Every student have different attitudes to high schhol life. They used to wondering what will be when they entering a completely different place and environment. Here is the research I do about what they think about high school life:
There are positives ones,like they think the number of activities increases, which means they have more chances to show their strength creativity and the abilities. What is more, they used to be monitored strictly by supervisors, and there are hundreds of restrictions they need to obey.However,they are more free to do something we want now.Besides, since we are international students, we do not have so many pressure like traditional Chinese final exams.
But, students also complaining about the poor facilities,such as no microwave oven, regrigerator and poor quality elevator...etc. Also,they think somrtimes school makes decition they do not like, or they did not feel school care about them.
Thesis statement:
The most significant reason of the issue there is no cure for many rare disease is because many medicine company are aim for profits. Even only might exsits some firms with corporate social resposibility, they are truelu lack of finance.
introduction the source and the real meaning behind ice bucket chanllege,and ALS
introduct many other rare disease.
no cure, why?
what do university do with it /solutions
Thesis statement:
Reasons for why there is no cure for rare disease.
The most crucial reason is because it costs a lot but not that common used and because of only few people need,it not profitable...so,no company is willing to invest this
begin with the brief introduction of ALS and ice bucket challenge.(to attract interests)
explain:Why there are no cure for rare disease? Because it costs a lot but not that common used and because of only few people need,it not profitable...so,no company is willing to invest this ...
So, are their life not worth to be saved? Of cause not ! they deserve to have normal life.
finally, introduce some scientice way and what could do to improve it.